Episode 6: Interview with Bo Goliber, who heads up philanthropy at Fingerpaint, a health and wellness marketing agency
Bo Goliber, who heads up philanthropy at Fingerpaint, a health and wellness marketing agency, shares the keys to a successful relationship between nonprofits and corporate partners. Bo assures us that corporate partners do not want to overwhelm volunteer agencies, but instead, are looking for long-term relationships built on honesty. Bo says, “don’t be afraid,” when companies reach out for a volunteering opportunity. Authentic partnerships through volunteering can yield other benefits.
Fingerpaint was named 2019 Agency of the Year by Med Ad News, and in 2018, it won the Heart Award from Med Ad News for its commitment to philanthropy and social causes. Additionally, it has been on Inc. Magazine’s list of the 5,000 Fastest-Growing Companies for the past seven years. Founder Ed Mitzen was honored as 2016’s Industry Person of the Year by Med Ad News.
Please view these recent articles on Fingerpaint’s philanthropy and culture:
Why volunteering is essential to employee engagement: https://www.benefitnews.com/news/why-volunteering-is-essential-to-employee-engagement
Job titles: https://www.hrtechnologist.com/articles/culture/eliminating-job-titles-examples-benefits/
Philanthropy: https://www.saratogatodaynewspaper.com/today-in-saratoga/business/item/11215-notes-from-the-chamber-of-commerce-leap-of-kindness-day-has-global-teach-in-2020
Follow Fingerpaint on Twitter and Instragram: @fingerpainters