Episode 63: Interview with Jordan Rannells
Citations (episode notes)
Thank you to Jordan Rannells for joining us!
Jordan’s website: https://jordanrannells.com/
An Unexpected Soundscape & A Soundscape of Eä
Kickstarer link: http://kck.st/46khBIp
Ends in the morning on Friday, October 13!
Athrabeth listeners can use promo code LOTR25 to get 25% off the entire collection of A Long Expected Soundscape on Jordan’s webshop: https://jordanrannells.com/shop
Join Jordan’s Discord: https://discord.gg/kWqw8SXtj
Jordan’s Social Media:
YouTube: @alongexpectedsoundscape514
Instagram: @jordanellisrannells
Twitter: @LOTRSoundscape
Jordan's Music of Middle-earth podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-music-of-middle-earth/id1498646998
A Long-Expected Soundscape Full Sample on YouTube:
Sample tracks heard in today’s episode:
Sample 1: Treebeard
Sample 2: Black Gate
Sample 3: Sam finds Frodo
(All used with permission from the artist)
Folks Jordan mentioned:
Victor Wooten (Bassist and music educator): https://www.victorwooten.com/, @VictorWooten
Bret Devereaux (Military historian): https://acoup.blog/, @BretDevereaux
Thank you again, Jordan!