Episode 7: Jonathan

Episode 7: Jonathan

Update: 2021-09-15


Content warning for folks who are sensitive to conversations around religion and religious harm. Trigger warning regarding sexual abuse, specifically in religious settings. 

Welcome back! Listen in to hear me interview Jonathan Burchfield, a fellow queer person who is currently living in Knoxville and doing such important work helping folks to recognize and be safe from pastoral abuse. Jonathan discusses his experience of growing up in a cult of Fundamental Independent Baptists and the impact those experiences had on his life. He discusses being empowered by knowledge, discusses his local librarian and reading books that weren’t condoned, as helping to empower him. 

Jonathan talks openly about his work to break the patterns of continued abuse and denigration on the part of the pastors/preachers who lead congregations. He is passionate about creating a network of safety for folks who have been harmed in settings where they are supposed to be cared for and held. He is originally from Indiana and Knoxville has been lucky enough to have him here for about ten years. 

Jonathan asked that we link to Helen Ross McNabb Center, who has brought him a lot of containment and help. https://mcnabbcenter.org

If you struggle with this conversation or are particularly distressed, please send a text to 741-741 (a national crisis line) or contact the crisis line at Helen Ross IF you’re Knox local. 865-539-2409. Here’s the National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

The book Jonathan mentions is "Freedom of Mind: Combating Cult Mind Control" by Dr. Stephen Hassan.
If you want to connect to Jonathan, you can find his work page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/stoppingpastoralabuse/

Here's a link to Jonathan's own book, Growing UP IFB, Reflections on the Toxic Environment of the Independent Baptist Movement (free on kindle; 9.99 for the print version) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091CRDD9K/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_apa_glt_fabc_WCP3EGX03T8TZSG925MG?linkCode=ml1&tag=220500b-20&fbclid=IwAR0rzruoUDb3BwNV6Y0eWDrh62nQmq1XywfFvrR3BdDMXmpHp7Jv2xabnJE

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Song credits for "I deserve to be here" to the band Tellios.
Image credits to Jonathan Burchfield

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Episode 7: Jonathan

Episode 7: Jonathan