Episode 7: Our Bring & Share Vegan Lunch Initiative Combats The Climate Crisis
Word Forest is thrilled to launch a new food-based fundraising initiative enabling our amazing supporters to mitigate the climate emergency in a convivial way.
Our charity co-founders, Tracey and Simon West, trialled the concept of a Word Forest Bring & Share Vegan Lunch at two local venues in recent months. They were financially successful, very enjoyable and by word of mouth, they grew in size. They’re now a firm part of our fundraising event calendar in East Devon. As they’re so easy to organise and so much fun to run, we’ve decided to roll them out as a national campaign.
Read this article here: wordforest.org/2024/02/24/our-bring-share-vegan-lunch-initiative-combats-the-climate-crisis/
Donate to our fight against the climate crisis here: wordforest.org/donate/