DiscoverHobby Farms Presents: Growing GoodEpisode 71: Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo, co-hosts of the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast
Episode 71: Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo, co-hosts of the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast

Episode 71: Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo, co-hosts of the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast

Update: 2024-02-14


The Hobby Farms Presents: Growing Good podcast meets the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast with this episode’s guests, Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo.

Learn about how these best friends of 40+ years started the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast and why it’s important to them to share their experience with and educate others about poultry. 

Listen to the impressive list of heritage chicken breeds Holly and Chrisie keep on their farms and why. Also, they try to answer the question, “Why chickens?” We talk about what to do with all these eggs—with more than 60 chickens between them—and the difference between backyard eggs and industrial eggs. Learn about the greens and herbs that Holly and Chrisie grow for their chickens, including a collards variety with an appropriate name for feeding to poultry.

Hear about Holly’s and Chrisie’s own farms, including why they took a 17-hour road trip in the pursuit of heritage breeds. Holly explains how she chose the location for the poultry runs, sheep fields and gardens on her farm. She tells us about her fiber arts and why it’s important for her to grow cotton and keep wool sheep now. Chrisie explains that her experience with emergency veterinary care began with a toy doctor’s kit that she used to “take care of” all the neighborhood dogs as a kid and continued on into her career. She tells us about her 3 acres and what it was like to get started with just four chickens as a means of teaching her daughters about the responsibility and care of animals.

Listen to the end for Holly’s and Chrisie’s favorite egg-based dishes!

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Episode 71: Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo, co-hosts of the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast

Episode 71: Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo, co-hosts of the Coffee with the Chicken Ladies podcast

Hobby Farms