Episode 78: Pancreatitis
Dr. Navin Kumar, an attending gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, medical educator at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder of Run the List podcast kicks off Season 2 of RTL’s partnership with McGraw Hill Medical by chatting with RTL host Blake Smith about pancreatitis. In this episode, Navin brings new content, new pearls, and new tips for trainees (especially for newly-minted interns!) as they approach a case of acute pancreatitis. Together, they walk through the criteria for diagnosing acute pancreatitis: from clinical signs to laboratory and radiographic findings. Navin discusses risk stratification, early management - including aggressive fluid resuscitation and pain control - and etiologies of acute pancreatitis. Lastly, the episode closes with Navin’s pearls about the pillars of pancreatitis management and when to call a consult.
Run the List podcast on AccessMedicine: https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/multimedia.aspx#1460