Episode 8: Quickly Activate your Intuition with Firefly Oracle
So you've had a spiritual awakening, or maybe you're in the middle of one. What now? Well that's exactly what Firefly Oracle (aka Nina or @Fireflyvibin) and I are chatting about this week on Woo-Girl Radio.
Nina has made it through the 2020 pandemic and used these intense energies & events to alchemize her life into one where she is in constant conversation with the Universe--and we're here to let you in on our secrets! From growing up Catholic to starting her Spiritual Journey, Nina and I talk about how to get signs from your Spirit Guides and Angels daily so you can start living your highest and best life.
Nina not only pulls cards and gives amazing messages, but she also is able to Journey into the Spirit World and communicate with Spirit on your behalf.
If you want to book a session with Nina: https://linkt.ree/fireflyoracle
Or follow along on Tiktok & Instagram @fireflyvibin
If you'd like to join Intuition Bootcamp: https://lionheartleo.teachable.com/p/...
Or if you want to work with me: https://lionheartleo.com/services
HUGE shoutout to nIne lXfe Music for allowing us to use their song "Polite Deer." Find nIne lXfe on Instagram, Spotify & Soundcloud. https://www.instagram.com/ninelxfemusic/