Episode 8: Shaping the Future: Social Services Priorities for the European Elections
As we approach the European Parliament elections, this Podcast episode will focus on the key priorities for social services that we would like the next European Parliament and European Commission to take up.
We recently published a briefing with proposals for policy initiatives on social inclusion and social services to future Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and lead candidates for the European Commission Presidency. The briefing, which is based on an analysis of the answers to a questionnaire submitted to ESN member organisations, proposes European political parties three key actions they can include in their programmes to strengthen social inclusion related to:
• social services financing,
• quality, and;
• the workforce.
Join our discussion with Kathleen Wabrowetz, head of the International Affairs Department at the Association for Public and Private Welfare, in Germany, and Arnaud Lopez, member of the Board of ANDASS (National Association of Social and Health Director), in France, as we discuss these points in detail and explore how their national experiences can be relevant at European level too.
Further resources:
• Will Europe’s political parties deliver for social services?
Briefing: Stronger Social Services - A Better Europe
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.