Episode 83 - Deep Dive: AI Chat Bots, Search Traffic, Challenges & Growth (Featuring Nick Martin - Co-Founder of Direqt.ai)
Josh Sebo (COO of OfferVault), Adam Young (CEO of Ringba), industry legend Harrison Gevirtz and special guest Nick Martin (Co-Founder of Direqt.ai) discuss:
- Direqt.ai, what it does and how it works.
- Why business should consider using an AI Chat Bot
- What audiences and industries typically benefit the most from this tech
- How search is changing
- Overcoming challenges and growing as a leader
- Working with major companies like ESPN, VOGUE, WIRED and more
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Adam Young:
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Harrison Gevirtz:
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Nick Martin:
DIREQT.AI: https://www.direqt.ai/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickmartindqt/