Evan Funke (Felix, Mother Wolf, etc.) on Pasta, Italy, and the Meaning of Life
After a few lurches and false starts early in his career, Evan Funke connected with the Los Angeles area dining public in a big way with his Felix restaurant in Venice, California, and has followed it up with a series of successes: Mother Wolf, Funke, Tre Dita in Chicago, and others on the horizon. In this conversation, recorded last week in New York City, Evan shares deeply about his personal story, how Italy changed his life and career trajectory, and his philosophy of training and risk-taking, among much more.
Thank you to 53 Restaurant for hosting this conversation.
Andrew is a writer by trade. If you'd like to support him, there's no better way than by purchasing his most recent book, The Dish: The Lives and Labor Behind One Plate of Food (October 2023), about all the key people (in the restaurant, on farms, in delivery trucks, etc.) whose stories and work come together in a single restaurant dish.
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