Everyone Should Be Involved with Social Movement Organizing with Rafae...
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More than 835,000 people have qualified and received DACA status–the 2012 Obama-era policy that protects young people from deportation. A survey from the Center for American Progress reports that more than 90% of DACA recipients are currently employed, and approximately 30% are first-time homeowners. Nearly all have graduate high school. However, right now, DACA recipients are in limbo, while we await a decision by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. It is likely that the fate of DACA will be determined by the Supreme Court.
Today’s guest himself, is in that limbo. On today’s show, Rafael A. Martinez joins host Karma Chávez to discuss his new book Illegalized: Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States. Martinez, who is an Assistant Professor of Southwest Borderlands in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA) at Arizona State University, was undocumented and is now a DACA recipient. Illegalized highlights a youth-led phase of the immigrant rights movement from the turn of the millennium to now and how different organizing methods have played out in recent decades.
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