Exiting Your Franchise: Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Exiting Your Franchise: Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Update: 2023-11-15


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Find out more about Michael here:

Mike Ringel, Strategies for Wealth

Exiting Your Franchise: Strategies for a Smooth Transition with Michael Ringel

Most of us don’t run our businesses forever. SMART business owners plan for a successful exit ahead of time, over multiple years, but with everything else going on, that can be a tall order. That’s why we’re excited this week to interview Michael Ringel from Strategies for Wealth about smart business exit strategies! If you don’t have a plan to exit your business, you definitely want to stream this show!

This week, Kristin Selmeczy and Karen Kimsey-Sward will have a new franchising WORD ON THE STREET! Ray Pillar will be chiming in, of course. 🙂

And, Jerry Akers will be joining us with some big franchising news. Can’t wait to hear what that’s all about.

Listen in or watch on November 16, 2023 at 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 3pm MST / 2pmPST ~ wherever you listen to podcasts or watch livestreams!

Interested in buying a franchise? Join our Million Dollar Franchisee Mentor program. Send us a message and we’ll fill you in.

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Exiting Your Franchise: Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Exiting Your Franchise: Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Kristin Selmeczy, Ray Pillar, Fred McMurray, Karen Kimsey-Sward