Exploring Our Environment: Unschooling Adventures
Home From School? Dive into a whirlwind of learning with our unschoolers in this episode! From dinosaurs to the F-16 and Concorde planes, we cover it a lot. We explore the fascinating eating habits of snakes, delve into how the vision impaired navigate the world, and observe the changing seasons. Even Dr. Super Mom is on a quest for knowledge too, seeking books on research, design, and people management. Plus, it's reading day, and all our storybooks are about learning what's in your Environment, the First of the 5 Ease Methodology. This episode is a whirlwind journey answering the ever-present question: "What is this?" in the most exciting ways!
Grab your copy of our book "Unschool Discoveries: Venturing into the Unknown" to learn more about how to have your own unschool learning adventures. Visit https://unschooldiscoveries.com