Exploring South Texas Urban Legends with Susto Podcast
Welcome, my sweet Strangelings, to a Mystic Monday episode with a very special guest Susto Podcast!
You can find him on various social media platforms, and today we're diving into a fascinating array of ghost stories and urban legends from the southern region of Texas.
This episode is packed with spooky tales, urban legends, and rich historical context that you won't want to miss. Plus, you'll get to know Susto Podcast and what sparked his interest in the paranormal. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:
0:00-05:05 – Introduction: Who is Adrian or Ayden, the host of Susto Podcast, and what got him into the paranormal?
05:05-07:14 – Urban Legends of South Texas: The girl who danced with the devil and La Lechuza.
07:14-11:00 – Adrian's Paranormal Experience and a story that must not die, https://amzn.to/3AvbKFL
11:00-13:00 – What are Shadow People?
13:00-16:00 – A near-death experience, survival, and an severe diagnosis (HIV/AIDS)
16:00-29:00 – The Haunted Alamo in Texas.
29:00-33:00 – Jewel of the Delta: The Urban Legend and tragedy of Laura Doyle.
33:00-40:00 – Dancing with the Devil: The Devil's Tramping Ground, what the devil symbolizes, and parallels in other parts of the world.
If you're a fan of Texas, love a good ghost story, or are intrigued by urban legends, this episode is for you. Tune in for an exploration of stories that are sure to captivate and unsettle, while also delving into the deeper meanings behind these tales.
If you want to share spooky stories with me write to me: Shareyourspookystory@gmail.com or
join my discord:https://discord.gg/f6QUTp7H
Make sure to follow my socials: https://linktr.ee/steffany_Strange