EyeCan Season 5, Episode 3 - Ethics in Ophthalmology with guest Dr. Chryssa McAlister
On this episode of EyeCan, we talk to Dr. Chryssa McAlister about ethics in ophthalmology.
Dr. McAlister is Co-Division Head of Ophthalmology at the Waterloo Regional Eye Program, Staff Ophthalmologist at Saint Mary’s General Hospital and Grand River Hospital, and Assistant clinical professor adjunct. Waterloo Regional Campus. McMaster University.
She runs a diverse comprehensive medical and surgical ophthalmology practice and manages a wide range of ocular conditions. She performs cataract and strabismus surgery, intravitreal injections and various laser procedures. She also sees pediatric patients with eye disease in the Waterloo Region.
Dr. McAlister helps to coordinate the WRC medical student teaching in ophthalmology and delivers the ophthalmology review session for graduating medical students at McMaster University. McAlister is involved in the bioethics teaching for postgraduate ophthalmology training programs at McMaster and the University of Toronto. She helped to organize the Halifax Ethics Symposium and in 2023 founded the Macrae Bioethics and Professionalism Course in Ophthalmology, a biannual national review course in ophthalmology bioethics. She is frequently invited to speak at conferences on topics of bioethics in ophthalmology and medical education. Dr. McAlister is the Director of Community Practice on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society.
Show notes:
The Drug Pushers – article from The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2006/04/the-drug-pushers/304714/
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