DiscoverWeaver of My WebF*ck Yo' Paradigms - Be Better
F*ck Yo' Paradigms - Be Better

F*ck Yo' Paradigms - Be Better

Update: 2022-10-08


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This fast-paced, verbally offensive episode is to get you all pumped and ready to tackle yourselves - your inner selves.  Along with all of the pain in this world, I feel God’s frustration with us, and Her and the rest of the Divine Council’s) wtf energy.  What exactly are we doing?  Ask any person this and the answer is usually a mess of I don't knows and head shakes.  We're killing, poisoning, and doing many other low vibrating things to each other.  Companies and the 'healthcare' system are raping and killing us into early graves; and, our government, no matter who’s running it, is the most piss-packed litter caked in the corner of the litter box I mentioned in another episode.  Galatians 6:2 says we must lovingly carry each other's burdens, but not if there’s a hole in the bottom of the litter box.  With that, one would only be leaving a trail of your mess for others to step in or have to clean up. This is humanity's life, what we do in it, and how we affect other people’s lives as we continue using the litter box as if it’s self-cleaning.  We need to rise above this mentality and way of being so that we can be our greatest for others, then to make our higher selves proud in so doing.

It's common knowledge that people’s lives are their own as is their decisions, but I'm referring to helpful info that's requested.  If one asks me for intuitive info then doesn’t take advantage of the info, they can’t rightfully complain to the Cosmos when the outcome is exactly what they didn’t want.  We spend our lives looking for the right ways & strategies to make life easier.  We get blessed every day with bits of serendipity that includes people brought into our lives to help us navigate its trials; yet, we are too blind and ego-fueled to recognize them for what they are.  We ask God if She’s there, but we don’t always like or listen to her responses.  We’re acting like bratty children here.  We ask questions then we close our ears when we don’t want to hear the truth.  It’s one’s lesson to learn through every trial’s triumph or loss, but the consequences are to be met with embrace and understanding, not complaints and sorrow.  Although we have adapted to deep mistrust of anything different in the world, we are given cheat codes on our journey.  The very things we ask for in our prayers but we see them as opposing what society wants and don't follow through -  even when it's for our highest good to bring our highest selves to the "fixing humanity" party.

We need to look deeply in a mirror or step outside of ourselves to see who we really are.  We've to shed the unnecessary bulk we add to our lives so we're not making other's lives as ours.  We're meant to live simply and be happy, not slothing around in every day misery.  However, we need to recognize when we're the cause of our own shit.  We clog our own toilets then feel our world has ended when we have run out of places to make shit deposits.  When do we look at ourselves and be in full honesty with that person to unclog our thrones?  Be above reproach with that person. They should be honored to know you, your highest self. Get off your pots and be the best of that better person.  Remember, no one’s life you are supposed to touch will evolve if you are full of shit – your own bs and low vibe energy.  Thi

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F*ck Yo' Paradigms - Be Better

F*ck Yo' Paradigms - Be Better

The Weaver - Erika Ryles