FBP #66: Cory Herschk
Cory Herschk is a 3rd Grade Math Teacher at Dilworth Elementary School, Director of Hockey Operations at USA Ball Hockey, and the Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Gods.
The sport of ball hockey has grown exponentially over the past 10+ years and Cory has been one of the driving forces behind its rapid growth. He's spent and continues to spend, countless hours working to make ball hockey a certified sport in the U.S. with the ultimate goal of getting it into the Olympics.
While ball hockey is a significant part of Cory's life, it's not his only focus. By day, he is revolutionizing the way Pittsburgh youth are taught critical life skills. This is where Cory's creativity shines through. His lesson planning goes beyond the typical math class and instead, he incorporates entrepreneurship, personal finance, life skills, and more into his teaching.
Cory shares the story of how he got into ball hockey, the details of what he and many others are doing to help #GrowTheGame, his innovative approach to educating our youth, his secrets on how he balances all of this with family time, and much more!
Follow Cory: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Follow USA Ball Hockey: Email - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Website
Follow Pittsburgh Gods Ball Hockey: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
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