DiscoverThe Tuple PodcastFable Tales, Staff Engineer at Stripe
Fable Tales, Staff Engineer at Stripe

Fable Tales, Staff Engineer at Stripe

Update: 2024-03-18


In this conversation, Fable and Ben dig deep on building a technical career that balances programming and company leadership. Fable shares their experience working at Stripe and the different roles they have held, including being a technical advisor to the CTO. They also discuss Fable's career move from being a hands-on programmer to role where less hands-on coding is required, Fable's take on "code crimes", and how to find enjoyment and fulfillment in solving complex problems.

Links - The best app for pair programming
Stripe - The company Fable works at
Ruby Kaigi - An annual conference dedicated to the Ruby programming language.
Sidekiq - A simple, efficient background processing library for Ruby
Sorbet - A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby.
YubiKey - A hardware device designed for high-security two-factor authentication.

Key Takeaways

  • Making connections and friendships at conferences can be valuable in the programming community.
  • Debugging and problem-solving skills are crucial for software engineers.
  • Being willing to learn and work with different programming languages can enhance your skills.
  • Prototyping and spiking can be effective ways to test and develop new ideas.


  • (00:00 ) - Introduction and Conference Interaction

  • (00:38 ) - Making Friends at Conferences

  • (04:13 ) - Work at Stripe

  • (06:17 ) - Becoming a Staff Engineer

  • (06:53 ) - Getting Good at Programming

  • (08:46 ) - Debugging and Problem Solving

  • (11:22 ) - Working with C and C++

  • (13:13 ) - Debugging with Print Statements and Debuggers

  • (17:06 ) - Prototyping and Spiking

  • (24:11 ) - Technical Advisor to the CTO

  • (27:26 ) - Coding Hill to Die On

  • (29:52 ) - Workflow Optimization

  • (36:53 ) - Coding vs Non-Coding Time

  • (39:08 ) - Transition to Leadership

  • (41:07 ) - Motivation and Impact

  • (42:13 ) - Love for Programming

  • (44:14 ) - Coding Style: Short Methods and Small Classes

  • (48:48 ) - Personal Style and Code Crimes

  • (52:18 ) - Commercial Open Source

  • (56:08 ) - Getting Involved in Open Source

  • (01:04:52 ) - Wrap-up









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Fable Tales, Staff Engineer at Stripe

Fable Tales, Staff Engineer at Stripe

Ben Orenstein