DiscoverStrength In BusinessFacebook Advertising Workshop: There’s No Compression Algorithm for Experience
Facebook Advertising Workshop: There’s No Compression Algorithm for Experience

Facebook Advertising Workshop: There’s No Compression Algorithm for Experience

Update: 2019-08-20


My latest Facebook Advertising Workshop in London (UK) has revealed some interesting new insights to running digital advertising no matter the platform. It has also unveiled a better understanding of what drives human behavior.

Let’s get straight into the “meat” so to speak.

You see, some people who attend my workshops

want to run profitable Facebook ads from day one without experience and without

willing to make mistakes. They feel guilty and fearful about spending money AKA

they haven’t worked on their mindset as a Media Buyer. They aren’t crystal

clear about who exactly they want to target and what they want accomplished. On

top of that, different advertising gurus have misled them to think that running

ads on Facebook is easy.

I’ll use this space again, as I did in my

previous blog posts about Facebook advertising to highlight the following:

Being a “button presser” on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, you

name it, is easy. Running PROFITABLE ads on all these platforms, especially

Facebook is not!

Among other things, it requires the right money

and media buyer mindset, having solid content and advertising funnels in place,

knowing your audience and being super diligent and resilient when it comes to

testing and optimizing in order to get the most out of your ads.

BTW when I’m referring to Facebook ads I also mean Messenger ads

and Instagram ads, basically everything that belongs to the Facebook


Everybody wants to have the hacks, the

strategies and techniques, the shortcuts but very few are willing to put in the

work, to learn the ins and outs of a platform that keeps changing almost on a

daily basis.

For example, ads that have delivered consistent

results for the past two years might stop running. Ads you have set up three

weeks ago might get disapproved because Facebook has come up with a new rule.

You can read about hacks, strategies and tactics all day long. You can go to all kinds of seminars where you’re told how easy it is to run ads on Facebook but unless you’re willing to invest time and money into consistently running ads yourself, your fantasies about successful ads might as well turn into nightmares and a big hole in your wallet.

There is no compression algorithm for experience!

I learned this valuable lesson from my

high-performance coach and mentor Dan Pena and I’d like to pass this nugget of

wisdom on to you.

Stop looking for shortcuts. There are no

overnight successes in Facebook advertising as there aren’t any in other areas

of business.

Who would you rather learn from:

1) Somebody who has read 250 books on digital

advertising and attended 60 workshops on Facebook


2) Somebody who has run Facebook ads for the

past 10 years on a daily basis?

You choose. It’s entirely your call.

I’ve been running Facebook advertising

workshops all around the globe for a few years now. Based on everything I’ve

seen and experienced first hand with my Academy students and workshop

attendees, I decided to structure my 2-hour intensive workshop very differently.

Here’s what’s different in my Facebook advertising workshop:









Sleep Timer


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Facebook Advertising Workshop: There’s No Compression Algorithm for Experience

Facebook Advertising Workshop: There’s No Compression Algorithm for Experience

Krisz Rokk