DiscoverStrength In BusinessUpgrading Your Mentors
Upgrading Your Mentors

Upgrading Your Mentors

Update: 2024-07-25


High-performance mentors will push your buttons and trigger you to ensure you raise your standards, crush your limitations, and bring forth the very best version of yourself. As you grow and evolve, upgrading your mentors will help you unlock even more hidden resources and navigate to shores others deem impossible to reach.

When equipped with the proper tools, information, and mindset, playing the game of life becomes an amazing adventure. You can opt for the hard route by letting the ego be in the driver’s seat or invite several masters to help you navigate the journey smoothly. The nuggets of wisdom these beautiful souls can share with you will catapult your experience so that you can enjoy the crazy ride on this magical planet we call Earth even more.

If you want to thrive, unlock your maximum potential, and play your A-game, you might want to consider upgrading your mentors.

Here are my high-performance mentors from the following three “categories” for lack of a better word: business, mindset, and spirituality. I’ll provide an in-depth example using the third category as it gives a special flavor to the insights I’m about to share with you.

High-Performance Business Mentors

When it comes to acquiring, merging, and selling businesses my high-performance mentor is none other than the Trillion Dollar Man, Dan Pena.

To squeeze the juice out of my marketing campaigns, I turn to my marketing mentor Dan Kennedy. Dan’s copywriting teachings have helped me craft incredibly successful and highly profitable Facebook advertising campaigns that I used to set up for my clients, train corporate teams, and also teach inside my Advertising Academy for a decade.

High-Performance Mindset Mentors

Those of you familiar with my story, know that I’m a passionate scuba diver and a huge advocate of constantly increasing and strengthening my mental stamina. Being a rescue diver and experiencing the “not-so-fun” part of this amazing sport that I love, requires among other things, a mind of steel. Therefore, learning from the best is a must for me.

So, who are my teachers?

Of course, I turn to three Navy Seals legends to train and sharpen my mind to the maximum. These gentlemen are ruthless in their approach to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for a human being. Their no-BS mental strategies and techniques have enabled me to surpass tumultuous situations efficiently, gracefully, and elegantly.

The three Navy Seals gentlemen are Michael Jaco, David Goggins, and Jocko Willink.

You might find the following two posts that I’ve written of value as they are about Jaco’s and Goggins’ latest book releases.

Life is a Mind GameThis one is about David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me”.

Awaken Your Spirit with The Intuitive Warrior by Michael Jaco

High-Performance Spiritual Mentors

I added this “category” of mentors to my vita only a few years back. To say that I’m a newbie to the spiritual space is an understatement. However, I’ve always been an avid student of quantum physics and everything related to harnessing the field to upgrade my life on this beautiful turquoise planet we call home.

After diving into the spiritual community, I found a mentor who was highly proficient in explaining and demystifying the notion of the quantum and putting it into scientific terms. On this journey, I learned how to pull my mind out of the body and explore the depths of the quantum even more. In 2022 I attended a life-altering event that catapulted me out of my current trajectory and opened my mind to a multidimensional realm that I could tap into with ease.

While trying to understand what happened at the event and decipher the codes that I downloaded during the different meditations and healing experiences, I noticed a lot of similarities between the spiritual and business communities.

Going deeper down the rabbit hole and pulling back the layers of that particular “awakening” that I went through to find the answers to my questions, I quickly realized that I needed a mentor who was equipped to navigate me through the “spiritual” maze quicker, more efficiently and effectively.

The two main things that bothered and pushed me towards seeking out a high-performance spiritual mentor to navigate the quantum track were as follows:

1. At the event, the field was wide open and there was no protection whatsoever put in place. This is super dangerous and an absolute no go!

2. The staff at the event lacked the required skills and didn’t have the necessary qualifications to offer professional help to those downloading vast amounts of information from the quantum field.

For example, when you’re being told that you need to hold onto a chair, breathe, take your shoes off, or stop wearing sneakers to ground yourself, you should run in the opposite direction.

In January of 2024, I upgraded my spiritual mentor and I haven’t looked back since.

Today, setting up shields to protect my space while interacting with the quantum field and traveling multi-dimensionally takes less than five seconds. Grounding myself takes less than ten seconds and I don’t need to adhere to a certain posture, use a fancy breathing technique, or hold onto something. I don’t have to envision the roots of a tree growing out of my feet, nor do I have to go outside and hug some random tree. Obviously, I can wear whatever the heck I want to wear.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” – attributed to various wise masters, including Buddha and Lao Tzu.

Transcending Your Limitations

I used the example above to showcase the vastness of false and disempowering information that is being perpetrated by numerous teachers, mentors, influencers, gurus, you name it.

You will encounter similar experiences all across the different realms. Whether it’s spirituality, health, sports, or business, you better stay present, observe the space, and use discernment.

Pick your mentors carefully and upgrade them as soon as your frequency rises and the information stops resonating with you.

Listen to your innate intelligence and learn to spot ridiculous advice and tips quickly. Stay flexible and be ready to drop the old ways of thinking and approaching things in life. Pivot instantly.

Remember, conventional wisdom is almost always wrong, as I mentioned in my previous blog post “Celebrated for Your Uniqueness Or Punished for Not Conforming.”

You are powerful beyond measure. Approach life boldly. Be fearless. Upgrade your mentors and teachers. Connect to your higher self and let it help you upgrade your life.


Image by dlsdkcgl via Pixabay


Upgrade Your Business to Meet the Powerful Version of Yourself

The post Upgrading Your Mentors appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.









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Upgrading Your Mentors

Upgrading Your Mentors

Krisz Rokk