Four Judgments
In the Bible, there are many judgments, but they're not all relevant to us, as New Testament Christians.
What we need to do is study those that are particularly germane to what we are looking at, as far as our Christianity is concerned.
A lot of people have the mistaken notion that there's this one judgment and, someday, they're going to stand before God, and God is going to weigh all their good works in a giant, balanced scale, and they're either going to be out of luck or in luck. It's either going to be, “well, you've done enough. I'm going to let you into heaven,” or, “You've got too many sins piled up against your account and therefore you're just not coming in. You're out of luck.”
The Lord has a lot to say about judgment, and if you were to study your Bible from beginning to end, you would find many passages dealing with the judgment of individuals, and nations, and cities.
There are four judgments that we need to be particularly aware of, and we're going to examine them today.
So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.
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(00:00:48 ) Introduction and Welcome
(00:01:58 ) Sunday Reflections
(00:05:07 ) The Importance of Spreading the Gospel
(00:07:42 ) Judgment and the Coming of the Lord
(00:19:43 ) God's Judgment on Sin
(00:35:03 ) Self-Examination and Communion
(00:37:21 ) Judgment of the Servant
(00:46:42 ) Judgment of Sinners
(01:03:01 ) The Great White Throne of Judgment
(01:21:08 ) Prayer Requests and Announcements
- Claud Chereji