DiscoverThe Five BooksFrancine Klagsbrun on Embracing and Reshaping Tradition
Francine Klagsbrun on Embracing and Reshaping Tradition

Francine Klagsbrun on Embracing and Reshaping Tradition

Update: 2024-12-17


Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream reveals the complex life and work of Henrietta Szold, renowned as the founder of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. She later moved to Mandate Palestine to help shape education, health, and social services there. The pinnacle of her career came in her seventies, when she took on the task of directing the Youth Aliyah program, which rescued thousands of young people from the Nazis and resettled them in Palestine.

Using Szold’s copious letters, diaries, and essays, along with other archival documents, Francine Klagsbrun reveals Szold as a multi-faceted human being whose impact on women’s lives as well as on education and health systems still resonates. (Jewish Lives Series, Yale University Press).

Francine Klagsbrun has also had a tremendous impact on the story of American Jewish women. Born in 1931, she has been a passionate advocate for women in Jewish religious life. Francine is the author of more than a dozen books, including Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel, which won the National Jewish Book Award in 2017. 

She has been a columnist for New York Jewish Week and Moment, is a contributing editor to Lilith, and is on the editorial board of Hadassah Magazine. Her writings have appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Newsweek, Ms. magazine, and other national publications. 

Charming and wry, Francine reflects on her unlikely Jewish education as a girl in the 1930s and 40s, on the seeds of her feminist activism, and on why she is grateful to have reinvigorated Szold’s legacy.  

Francine Klagsbrun’s Five Books:

  1. The Bible

  2. Marjorie Morningstar, by Herman Wouk

  3. The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth 

  4. The Propagandist, by Cécile Desprairies

  5. Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream, by Francine Klagsbrun

The Five Books has the advisory and promotional support of The Jewish Book Council. November 24 to December 24 is Jewish Book Month! Celebrate with Jewish Book Council.   

The Five Books is fiscally sponsored by FJC, a 501c3 public charity. 

Hosted by Tali Rosenblatt-Cohen

Produced by Odelia Rubin

Artwork by Dena Friedman

Music by Dov Rosenblatt and Blue Dot Sessions









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Francine Klagsbrun on Embracing and Reshaping Tradition

Francine Klagsbrun on Embracing and Reshaping Tradition

Tali Rosenblatt Cohen