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Fresh Take: Sarah Gristwood on What We Can Learn From Women's Diaries

Fresh Take: Sarah Gristwood on What We Can Learn From Women's Diaries

Update: 2024-05-31


This episode of Fresh Take from What Fresh Hell features an interview with Sarah Gristwood, author of "Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries." Gristwood discusses the common thread of frustration found in women's diaries across 400 years, highlighting how these diaries served as a space for women to express their true feelings and desires, often suppressed by societal expectations. She explores the motivations behind diary writing, from spiritual exercises to coded entries for personal reflection, and the challenges of finding and preserving these voices, particularly those of women from less privileged backgrounds. The conversation delves into the diary of Anne Lister, a lesbian woman who wrote in code to protect her identity, and the diary of Anne Frank, revealing her intention to publish her experiences. Gristwood explains the structure of her book, which presents a year's worth of diary entries from different women throughout history, showcasing the similarities and differences in their experiences. She emphasizes the importance of understanding women's voices in history, not just for historical accuracy but also for the sense of community and support it provides for contemporary women. The episode concludes with a discussion about the relevance of diaries in the digital age, acknowledging the evolution of personal expression through social media while recognizing the enduring power of the diary form.


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Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries

This Chapter introduces Sarah Gristwood, a biographer, historian, and broadcaster, and her book "Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries." The conversation begins with a discussion about the diary as a space for women to express their true feelings and desires, often suppressed by societal expectations. Gristwood highlights the common thread of frustration found in these diaries, suggesting that women throughout history have felt a sense of dissatisfaction with the limitations imposed on them.

The Structure and Significance of Secret Voices

This Chapter delves into the structure of Gristwood's book, which presents a year's worth of diary entries from different women throughout history, showcasing the similarities and differences in their experiences. Gristwood explains her selection process, emphasizing her desire to create a representative picture of women's lives and a readable book. She discusses the challenges of balancing the often-negative aspects of diary entries with the positive and humorous moments, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between pleasures and pains. The conversation also explores the significance of seemingly mundane details in diary entries, demonstrating how these seemingly insignificant moments can offer valuable insights into the past.

The Power of Women's Voices in History

This Chapter explores the significance of understanding women's voices in history, not just for historical accuracy but also for the sense of community and support it provides for contemporary women. Gristwood emphasizes the importance of recognizing the struggles and triumphs of women throughout history, highlighting how their experiences resonate with modern women. She discusses the power of seeing women's voices in juxtaposition, revealing the commonalities and differences in their experiences across time and cultures. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the relevance of diaries in the digital age, acknowledging the evolution of personal expression through social media while recognizing the enduring power of the diary form.


Secret Voices

A book by Sarah Gristwood that compiles a year's worth of diary entries from different women throughout history, showcasing the similarities and differences in their experiences. The book provides a unique perspective on women's lives and struggles across centuries.

Women's Diaries

Personal writings by women that offer a glimpse into their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. These diaries often reveal the limitations and expectations imposed on women throughout history, as well as their resilience and determination to express their true selves.

Anne Lister

An 18th-century English landowner and diarist who lived as a lesbian and wrote in code to protect her identity. Her diaries provide valuable insights into the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in a time when homosexuality was illegal and socially unacceptable.

Anne Frank

A young Jewish girl who wrote a diary while hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Her diary, which was published posthumously, became a powerful testament to the horrors of the Holocaust and the resilience of the human spirit.

Sarah Gristwood

A British biographer, historian, and broadcaster known for her work on women's history. She is the author of several books, including "Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries." Gristwood is committed to publicizing women's experiences in history and making their voices heard.


A common theme found in women's diaries throughout history, reflecting the limitations and expectations imposed on women by society. This frustration often manifests as a desire for greater freedom, autonomy, and recognition.

Postnatal Depression

A mental health condition that can affect women after childbirth, characterized by feelings of sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness. The diaries of women throughout history reveal that this phenomenon has existed for centuries, even though the term itself was not coined until the 20th century.

Social Media

A collection of online platforms that allow users to connect and share information, ideas, and experiences. While social media has become a primary form of personal expression in the digital age, it also raises questions about the future of diary writing and the preservation of personal narratives.


  • What is the common thread found in women's diaries across 400 years?

    A common thread found in women's diaries across 400 years is frustration. Women often expressed their dissatisfaction with the limitations and expectations imposed on them by society, revealing their desire for greater freedom, autonomy, and recognition.

  • Why did Anne Lister write in code?

    Anne Lister wrote in code to protect her identity as a lesbian. In a time when homosexuality was illegal and socially unacceptable, she needed to keep her true self hidden from her family and contemporaries. Her diaries served as a safe space for her to express her true feelings and desires.

  • What is the structure of Sarah Gristwood's book "Secret Voices: A Year of Women's Diaries"?

    Gristwood's book presents a year's worth of diary entries from different women throughout history, showcasing the similarities and differences in their experiences. Each day of the year features a selection of entries from women who wrote on that day, creating a tapestry of voices across centuries.

  • What is the significance of understanding women's voices in history?

    Understanding women's voices in history is significant for both historical accuracy and contemporary relevance. It allows us to see the past through a different lens, recognizing the struggles and triumphs of women throughout history. It also provides a sense of community and support for contemporary women, demonstrating that their experiences are not unique but rather part of a long and ongoing conversation.

  • Are diaries still relevant in the digital age?

    Diaries are still relevant in the digital age, but their form has evolved. While social media has become a primary form of personal expression, the diary continues to hold a unique place for private reflection and the preservation of personal narratives. The future of diary writing may involve a broader understanding of the form, encompassing both traditional written diaries and digital expressions of personal experiences.

Show Notes

What do women's diaries tell us that's not in the history books? What has changed about women's experiences in the last 400 years, and what remains frustratingly familiar? Historian Sarah Gristwood, author of SECRET VOICES: A YEAR OF WOMEN'S DIARIES, explains the common threads she found among the stories women felt they could tell only to themselves.

Sarah and Amy discuss:

  • The most common emotion expressed in all the diaries contained in this book

  • The meaning of a diary as a secret-keeper, as a historical record, and sometimes both

  • Whether our social media posts and Substacks today can serve the same purpose—and where they fall short

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Fresh Take: Sarah Gristwood on What We Can Learn From Women's Diaries

Fresh Take: Sarah Gristwood on What We Can Learn From Women's Diaries

Margaret Ables and Amy Wilson