From Period Poverty to Period Care Pioneer: Ruby Raut's Incredible Story of Resilience
In this episode Ruby Rout tells me her inspiring story behind founding the UK's first fully leakproof reusable period-wear brand, WUKA. Ruby shares her incredible journey from growing up in period poverty in Nepal to moving to London with minimal resources, and ultimately establishing WUKA after an initial (small!) cash injection, and bootstrapping to the point of running a multi-million pound business. Ruby's story is one of resilience, innovation, and community-building. We talk about the challenges Ruby has faced, her unique approach to product development, and the importance of staying true to your values. A great listen for any founder whether your business is products-based or service-based, the lessons to building an audience and remaining resilient are absolutely universal.
This episode is supported by my amazing partners The SHE Collective - a women’s wellness app, designed to help you feel Strong, Happy and Empowered – SHE As a member of their community I can tell you that their approach works for busy mid-life women. Balancing five core collectives - exercise, nutrition, mindset, nervous system and community – the SHE builds women from the inside out - no more short-term fixes and BS diets, but sustainable wellness, forever. The app features 500 on-demand workouts from 10-30 minutes to do in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Backed by nutritional and mindset advice, and supported by Whatsapp groups to keeo you on track, it's a fantastic way to get on top of your fitness in a way that works for you. Use code WILDER30 for 30% off your first month and join the movement HERE. You won't regret it!