Generational Perspectives on Investing
Although we're often told that those over 55 don't have a very high risk tolerance, this is not always the case. In fact, Millennials are known to be the most risk averse generation because of all the market volatility they have already witnessed in their lifetimes.
Of course, it's hard to speak on behalf of entire generations, but InTrack's Managing Partner, Myron R. Sopher, and Portfolio Manager, Tyler J. Gardner, spend this episode of The Optimistic Investor discussing some trends they've noticed in people both young and old. For example, we all have access to so much information now, but this is not always as helpful as it may seem. Being so tuned in can make us reactive, which can lead to fast, emotion-based financial decision making.
No matter your age, or how much you think you know, you may benefit from seeking financial advice. Visit the InTrack website to learn more.