Genesis 2 "Two Trees" - #47
I am not a scholar, not a teacher, just someone who is studying The Holy Bible to know and better understand what it says because I realized I was believing a lot of things just because it was a tradition I had been taught, and honestly I had no idea "WHY"?!
I share what I believe to be truths with you from studying I have previously done however, be aware as I continue to study throughout my life, it's possible my understanding of any scripture may change over time because GOD's word is living and powerful. That is why it's as relevant today as it was a thousand years ago and reveals more and more to us as we continue to study it.
We should always be learning, growing, and repositioning ourselves in order to better align our lives and our thinking with that of our Father.
I have no desire to teach you a "religion". How we each choose to respond to what we study is up to us individually.
My goal is to get myself ready for the reality that we all must face one day and that is death and ultimately answering Yehovah for how I lived my life.
I hope you join me on this journey!
If you haven't listened to Genesis 1 (Episode 46) I suggest you listen to that first then continue to this episode.
King James Bible (Genesis 2)
- Mark. 2:27
- Exodus 20:8-11
- Deuteronomy 5:12-15