Getting Ready for SHOT 2025!
Michael frantically gets ready for the big show in Vegas, but first has to deliver a mea culpa on the Federal 7mm Backcountry. Plus, restoring an old Siamese Mauser 45-70.
MichaelBane.TV - On the Radio episode # 253.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.
Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.
More information and reference links:
Federal 7mm Backcountry, Tested and Reviewed/John B. Snow, OUTDOOR LIFE
Difference Between FN FNP-45 and FNX-45/Alien Gear Holsters
FN FNX-45 Tactical — Is It Still a Tactical Masterpiece?/Colion Noir, YouTube
GLC Shooting Academy/Gordon Carrell and Randi Rogers