DiscoverMornings With JesusGod's Love written by Moriah Rachel Zeitz
God's Love written by Moriah Rachel Zeitz

God's Love written by Moriah Rachel Zeitz

Update: 2023-03-27


‘God’s Love’ 
By Moriah Rachel Zeitz

We serve an amazing God! 

The Bible says, “His mercies are new every morning!” (See Lamentations 3:22 ,23)

But even greater than that (and that’s pretty great) is his love for us. 

It says in John 3:16 , “For God so the loved world that he gave His only begotten Son.” 

God loved you so much that he came to earth to live and die as a lowly human, so we wouldn’t have to be separated from him anymore. 

How amazing is that! 

It says in Hebrews 12:2, “For the joy set before him he endured the cross.”

Even in the midst of his suffering, Jesus had such great love for you, for we were the joy set before him! 

To him, all his pain and agony, not only in his death, but his life on earth as well, 
Was worth it, just to be able to have a relationship with you.

(Wow that blows my mind!) 
God’s greatest desire is to have your love! (To have a relationship with you!)

Think about that, God, I mean God himself, the One who created all of life in six days, who showed His marvelous wonders in Egypt and parted the Red Sea, the same God that came to earth as a human and was born of a virgin, who made the deaf to hear, lame to walk, blind to see, and dumb to speak! 

The same God who did so many wonders that it says in 
John 21:25 , “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”

That same God’s greatest desire is to simply have your love. 

Isn’t that awesome!! 

I mean who does that!? 

Nobody but our God.

For God does not simply love, He is love.  
His love for you is so great that we aren’t even able (with our tiny human minds) to comprehend the amount of love he has for us!
God loves you so much, and He can’t wait for you to wake up in the morning and talk to Him. He can’t wait for you to obey Him, so He can bless you beyond measure. 

If He loves you that much, then we should love Him back with all that we have.

Even though our love is but dust in comparison to His, in His eyes, it means all of the world! 

Be encouraged today!

We don’t need to live this life alone. We have a God who desperately wants our attention and love.

The Bible says in Joshua that God is a jealous God. 

He wants to be the center of your attention, and He wants to be in constant fellowship with His children! 

So, let’s start today, taking time out of our lives to spend a little more time with Jesus.

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God's Love written by Moriah Rachel Zeitz

God's Love written by Moriah Rachel Zeitz

Joshua Scott Zeitz