DiscoverMornings With JesusSeek: Day 34 You Are What You Eat!
Seek: Day 34 You Are What You Eat!

Seek: Day 34 You Are What You Eat!

Update: 2023-04-07


“Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him
that sent me, and to finish his work. ” ~John 4:34 (KJV)
It’s good to return to the basics, especially in our walk with the

Oftentimes as Christians, we tend to want ―deep‖ things,
emotionally moving things. We want to ―feel‖ God moving all
around us.

Listen, God never changes!

That’s awesome news! We may not always feel Him or even
sense His presence, but He never changes.

How do we know that? The Bible tells me so!

In John 4, we find the disciples coming back from a food run in
a neighboring town, and they are surprised to find Jesus speaking
with a Samaritan woman. They are also surprised when they ask
Jesus if He has eaten already, because He tells them His food is to
do the will of the Father.

Looking only through their natural eyes, they didn’t understand
the awesome thing that had just occurred between Jesus and the
woman, nor did they realize the revival that was about to hit her
entire town.

Listen, the Bible keeps us grounded. It keeps us smack dab in the
will of God for our lives! It keeps us living with an eternal
perspective. It keeps us in a position to be able to minister to others,
to share the gospel with them.

The disciples missed an awesome opportunity to experience a mighty move of God simply because they didn’t understand that we are what we eat. 

Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 that man does not live on
bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds from the mouth of

Sure, the disciples got to experience the revival because of Jesus
and what He did, but wouldn’t it be nice if we were the ones to
initiate the moves of God in people’s lives? Wouldn’t it be nice to
realize that Jesus said “Greater things than these shall you do,
because I go to the Father ”?

As born-again believers, we have the authority and power on the
inside to do mighty things in Jesus’ name!

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Seek: Day 34 You Are What You Eat!

Seek: Day 34 You Are What You Eat!

Joshua Scott Zeitz