DiscoverGoogle Teacher PodcastGoogle Meet for Remote Teaching - GTP112
Google Meet for Remote Teaching - GTP112

Google Meet for Remote Teaching - GTP112

Update: 2020-03-30


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Hangouts? Meet? Compare Meet with classic chat video calls

FREE Hangouts Meet Tutorials

Manage Meet Video meeting

13+ over questions - Communicating with Parents and Guardians about G Suite for Education

G Suite Enterprise features available:

  • Recording videos
  • Live streaming (through Calendar)

Google updates: 

  • Mute/block only by event creators
  • Can’t rejoin in nicknamed meetings when event creator is last to leave

Infographics below:

  • Tips for teacher users
  • Tips for student users
  • Teaching ideas for using Hangouts Meet

20 virtual field trip ideas and activities

30+ digital escape rooms (plus a step by step guide to creating your own)

Google Teacher Podcast Mailbag

Yudelka Alvarado (NYC) -- I want to give my students my notes on Google slides to help them with remote learning. It isn't an assignment- so I don't get to choose permissions. I post it as Class Material and it defaults to giving them editing AND viewing permissions. I then have to go back to every material on my google drive and remove their editing permissions each time I post the material. How do I change this so that it defaults to ONLY giving viewing permissions? HELP!!

  • Put the view-only link in the instructions.

Bailey Sandsmark (San Diego) -- Sheets: entire sixth-grade team holds their own lunch detentions. Creating a form to keep track of those students. Into sheet. To better track “frequent flyers”. Automatically populate student names that appear +3 times. Conditional formatting. Wants it to find instances where something shows up multiple times.

On The Blogs









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Google Meet for Remote Teaching - GTP112

Google Meet for Remote Teaching - GTP112

Matt Miller & Kasey Bell