DiscoverGospel BoogieGospel Boogie - Episode 1033
Gospel Boogie - Episode 1033

Gospel Boogie - Episode 1033

Update: 2017-07-07


Original air date June 25th, 2017 on Gospel Boogie is an exploration of the classic gospel music sounds of the 1940’s through the early 1970’s.----more----

Track List:

  1. The Caravans - Get Away Jordan (States 109) 1952

  2. The Prophets Qt. - Sing Your Blues Away (Skylite LP 5985) 1960

  3. The Lewis Family - To Get My Reward (Starday SEP 140) 1958

  4. The Chosen Gospel Singers - I'm Going Back With Him (Specialty 864) 1954

  5. Songsters Quartet - Walk Dem Golden Stairs (Blue Ridge 206) 1951ish

  6. Country Gospel-Airs - Hear Jerusalem Mourn (ARK EP 220) 1962

  7. Palmetto State Quartet - God Made A Way (Skylite SRLP 6007) 1963

  8. The 4 Knights - What Are They Doing In Heaven (Lang-Worth 12) 1947

  9. Whiteland Aires Quartet - Heaven Bound (Jalyn JLP 145) 1973

  10. The Florida Boys - The Answer Came (Songs Of Faith 120) 1964

  11. Elder Benjamin H. Broadie - Come On Back Home Baby, Papa Ain't Mad At You (Coleman 5989) 1948

  12. The Cooke Duet - I Wanta See Jesus (Custom 25619) 1970

  13. The LeFevre Trio - Lord Carry Me Home (Stateswood LP 3502) 1961

  14. Gospel Vocalaires of Norfolk, VA - Jezebel (Gotham unissued) 1953

  15. The Goins Brothers - Crying Holy (Jessup LP 146) 1974

  16. Homeland Harmony Qt. - Better Stay Right (Bibletone 6017) 1949

  17. The Harmonizing Four - Joy In Beulah Land (Gotham 744) 1953

  18. Carl Story and his Rambling Mountaineers - I've Got A Home (Starday SEP-203) 1961

  19. The Volunteers - Joshua Fit De Battle Ob Jericho (Enterprise 202) 1946

  20. The Statesmen Qt. - Gonna Open Up All The Doors (RCA 2188) 1960


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Gospel Boogie - Episode 1033

Gospel Boogie - Episode 1033

James Zurek