Halloween Offensive Trailer
"Halloween Offensive" follows Mr. Stone, a retired war hero known as Bulldog, who is reluctantly drawn back to the planet where he fought his most harrowing battle. Twenty years earlier, Stone’s unit faced a terrifying alien species that had adapted beyond human control, transforming the planet into a brutal battleground. Now, on the eve of the battle’s anniversary, he returns to confront his memories, the lives he couldn’t save, and the horrors he left behind. Haunted by the ghosts of his past, Stone revisits old allies and deadly foes, unraveling the trauma that earned him his legendary name, 'Bulldog'.
Reluctantly returns to a distant planet on the 20th anniversary of the horrific battle that earned him his name. Over five episodes, the series follows Stone’s journey through flashbacks of his deadly encounter with a deadly, evolving species and the hard choices he faced while leading his soldiers against impossible odds. Each episode reveals layers of Stone's haunting memories, from the initial reconnaissance mission to the climactic standoff that forged his legacy. With old comrades, new encounters, and an unrelenting sense of duty, Stone confronts the ghosts of his past and the lingering scars of survival.
Written and produced by Grant Peevyhouse
Actors included in the Mini-Series:
Mr. Stone ’Bulldog’ Played by:(umbrielsshadow)
Busboy Played by: (Brady Flanagan)
First Sergeant Played by: (Brady Flanagan)
Driver Played by:(Brady Flanagan)
Loud Guy #1 Played by: (Rukstar)
Loud Guy #2 Played by: (Rukstar)
Joe Turner played by: (Grant Peevyhouse)
Soldier #1 Played by: (Grant Peevyhouse)
Soldier #2 Played by: (Ashley P)
GNR Operator Played by: (Ashley P)
Soldier#3 Played by: (dwarven_don)
Bellboy Played by: (Rukstar)
Receptionist Played by: (Kat)