Have you had a Chinese learning wet fish moment?
My free Mandarin learning eBook: https://www.peakmandarin.com/free-ebook
My blog: imlearningmandarin.com
In my first few years of learning Chinese, there were many occasions
when I’d suddenly be made aware of a huge flaw in my Chinese I had
previously been blind to.
This might take the form of a direct comment from a native speaker
who is less polite than normal. Or it might be an embarrassing failed
attempt to communicate in Mandarin.
These moments can be pivotal in shaping our learning experience for better or worse.
Recently I was talking about this to one of my students, Lewys, who
I’ve previously interviewed on this podcast. Lewys has experienced
plenty of what he calls – ‘wet fish moments’ some of which affected his
confidence and even caused him to give up.
So in this episode, we share our experiences of having our egos
crushed in the process of learning Mandarin and offer our tips for other
learners on how best to avoid similar experiences.