Healing Meals

Healing Meals

Update: 2021-12-121


On this episode I consider healing meals; traditional dishes believed to help cure what ails you, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. 

First, I reflect on my conversation with Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam, a PhD candidate in Eco-gastronomy, Education, and Society at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy. I recently came across their blog post entitled Curative Cuisines of Cambodia. The article reflects on ethnographic research done in rural Cambodia, looking at the impact of seasonal changes on how plant-based traditional medicine complements maternity diets. This is a very focused, maybe esoteric piece of research. But, I think it offers possibilities around how food can cure or heal that go beyond traditional Khmer medicine and what pregnant mothers should consume.

I also share snippets from my chat with Amy Foote, Executive Chef at the Alaska Native Medical Center. The traditional food she serves is one important aspect of the more culturally relevant care patients get there. Donations from hunters really help Chef Amy deliver traditional meals - like seal soup - patients really miss and ask for. She explains how the Traditional Native Foods Initiative works and what it means to the patients.

I wonder if we can all do more with healing dishes; curative cuisines as Thao coined them. To “eat right” when we’re out of sorts and out of balance despite our best efforts to follow a healthy diet. I suggest thought starters that go beyond boiling milk or making a cup of tea for someone in need. Something more  than your go-to soup. Or toast, rice, oatmeal or plain yogurt.









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Healing Meals

Healing Meals

Ali Tadlaoui