Healing Trauma With Dr. Curt Thompson
Welcome to the very first episode of the new season of The Healing Trauma Podcast - Faith Edition I am delighted and so very grateful to be able to share this conversation with therapist, podcast host, author and psychiatrist Dr. Curt Thompson. We talked about healing, safety and connection and the formation of embodied hope. And so much more. I absolutely loved it! This is a video episode. https://youtu.be/CHmkWbitCsE?si=GxaCJ8UO2GmxlUSN Hope you find it helpful 🕊️
SUPPORT this podcast and in return receive bonus content. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/monique34/subscribeFind out more about Curt's work here: https://curtthompsonmd.com/https://www.instagram.com/curtthompso...https://twitter.com/curt_thompsonmdhttps://www.facebook.com/CurtThompsonMD/https://www.youtube.com/c/BeingKnownP..Monique's websitewww.thehealingtraumapodcast.com
Find a list of my recommended books, trainings + resources for healing traumahttps://www.thehealingtraumapodcast.com/resources/
The Foundational Journey to Change Your Biology – 6-week online course guided and designed by Dr. Aimie as a journey into your nervous system to change your biology trauma reactions.https://www.thehealingtraumapodcast.com/foundational-journey
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