Healing with alcohols

Healing with alcohols

Update: 2022-09-09


Script: https://tcmpodcast.me/episode-15-healing-with-alcohols/

High carbon dioxide levels cause acidosis and stimulate the respiratory center in the brain, triggering the newborn to take a breath. The first breath typically is taken within 10 seconds of birth, after mucus is aspirated from the infant's mouth and nose.

In order to make the first breath after the umbilical cord has been cut, it is the most important level of CO2.

If there’s too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the baby’s bloodstream it can produce hypercapnia may upset acid-base balance and cause a range of problems.

On the contrary, a decrease in alveolar and blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels below the normal reference range of 35 mm/Hg is known as hypocapnia.

Balance of CO2 level in bloodstream activates very first breath in newborn babies. Too much CO2 will cause permanent damage to the brain, while too little CO2 will not trigger breathing.

Following this logic, we can understand that all kinds of stimulation can have the very same effect on the human body. One cigarette a day is great stimulation for our metabolism and causes faster blood flow and brains functions, such as enhancement of motor learning, while more cigarettes cause brains and body decrease - hypofunction and cause a variety of damages to the health.

It is the same for alcohol. Moderate to little daily usage of alcohol even can have health benefits.


Alcohols, in various forms, are used within medicine as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and antidote. Alcohol is also one of the oldest beverages used by humans which preparation dates back to as far as 8,000 BC. Alcohol was used as a general anesthetic since 8thcentury BC, while has been used as an antiseptic as early as 1363.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and can slow down brain activity, change mood, behavior, self-control, and can affect coordination and physical control.

Alcohol benefits

In order for alcohol to have curative effects, it has to be taken moderately. Alcohol itself can reduce cardiovascular diseases, can reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, and can prevent stroke. Moderate consumption of alcohol can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, cancer, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Moderate alcohol consumption reduced the incidence of the common cold among nonsmokers but has no protective effect against the common cold in smokers.

Moderate consumption of alcohol may prolong life and promote health and well-being in general. We drink alcohol generally during various social events when people are connected when we feel further stimulated and sedated by alcohol. In general, alcohol can make people happier if consumed moderately.

Therefore, medium consumption of alcohol can be found to benefit our physiology, emotions, or even our social dimension.

Info: www.tcmpodcast.me









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Healing with alcohols

Healing with alcohols

Igor Micunovic MD/Ph.D