Healthing and 4H
The Rundown
This episode is about the 5 Hs. First, there’s the H in, a website that amplifies the voices of those living with diseases and disorders and who are looking for options for healthy lifestyles. The next of the five are four H’s are in the 4-H club of Canada …. So, five Hs, six, if you count Harrowsmith, which we do.
Lisa Machado and
Lisa Machado is the executive producer of And that relatively new website is partnering with Harrowsmith to share evidence-based health and wellness information with our readers, while Harrowsmith shares content about healthy lifestyles. Lisa herself knows all about the desire to live well. She lives with a rare form of blood cancer, a disease that caused her to set aside her life as a financial journalist and head up a unique site that amplifies the voices of those living with diseases and disorders. I talked with Lisa about her plans for the site and its healthy relationship with Harrowsmith.
Stephanie Nagelschmitz and the 4H Club Canada
Stephanie Nagelschmitz is the Chair of the Canadian 4H Foundation and is on the Board of 4H Canada. She’s also an avid 4Her herself. 4H is like the Madonna or Lady Gaga of youth clubs. It has rural roots, but has reinvented itself over the decades, but has keep some core principles intact. I chatted with Stephanie about those changes and what’s remained the same.
End Notes
Want more Harrowsmith? No problem. Visit our website. And, you can read Vanessa's story on ticks in the Spring issue of Harrowsmith Magazine. It's on selected newsstands across Canada or you can order subscriptions online at
By the way, the music in the podcast? It's by good ol' Canadian singer, composer and friend of the 'cast, Â David Archibald. You can find more of his music at his website,