Heat kills: a 12 point list and thermal death point temperatures for cool-season grass
It's summer in the northern hemisphere, and the two items discussed in this episode provide guidance on managing turf when it has to survive through heat stress.
- From the ATC website, a 12 point list: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/catching-up-on-reading-heat-stress/
- From PACE Turf, the Heat Kills document: https://www.paceturf.org/member/Documents/0108.pdf
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Turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
ATC's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/asianturfgrasscenter
Subscribe to my new podcast, Turf Without Borders, at https://turfwb.asianturfgrass.com/subscribe
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Register for the BIGGA Continue to Learn programme in Harrogate: https://www.btme.org.uk/continue-to-learn.html
Register for my seminar at the GCSAA Conference and Show: https://gcsaaconference.com/education/session-detail?evt_id=737742c0-bb52-4192-ab34-f06c2413df04&ses_id=d85db2dc-ec5b-48c4-820f-57abce2a5193
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