Hello From the Other Side
Episode 6: Matt Bomeisl (A3 Baseball Academy Owner/Director)
- A3 Academy: An alternative path for high school age athletes, designed to give an edge to serious athletes to prepare them for college/professional baseball.
- Travel sports are emphasizing creating "mercenary teams" that meet up to play in showcases, but does this come at the expense of development?
- American sports mentality vs. other countries: More distractions, less unstructured play
- Are these academies the future of high level sports? And if so, are kids missing out on a more well-rounded high school experience?
- Landing on the right side of history with alternative paths. Don't wind up like Bishop Sycamore...
- Are we teetering in a territory where student-athletes are now becoming athlete-students?
- There's nothing wrong with pushing your kids to greatness