Hiking With Stacy
Meet Stacy.
Having grown up in the midwest and spent most of her life there, she now calls Colorado home. She is most happy hiking and backpacking the the mountains of Colorado and southern Wyoming. As member of the Poudre Wilderness Volunteers, who patrol the trails of the Roosevelt National Forest educating hikers, picking up trash, caring for trails and campsites and reporting back to the USPS, she has found that education is important for all visitors on the trail. She has been a certified veterinary technician for 25 years, so has seen it all in regards to accidents on the trail involving dogs. Her background working in the veterinary field is extensive. She has been in mixed animal practice, the university teaching hospitals, oncology, emergency medicine, research, teaching veterinary and veterinary technician students and now in the veterinary industry for a major veterinary instrumentation company.. Her passion is educating and teaching others. as one should always be learning. In addition, she will be a Hiking Guide for Full Potential Wilderness ( a women owned company) next summer guiding hikers in Rocky Mountain National Park.
We're excited to have her present at our summit.
To learn more about our virtual summit visit: https://www.hikelikeawoman.com