DiscoverThe Rubin ReportHost’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit
Host’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit

Host’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit

Update: 2024-07-033


Dave Rubin begins this segment by criticizing the woke left's intersectional matrix of oppression, arguing that it leads to absurd situations like identifying with Hamas, a terrorist organization that killed 1,500 Jews six months ago. He then shifts his focus to the Democratic Party's embrace of radical Islam, highlighting the example of Ilhan Omar, who is running for re-election in Minnesota and has been campaigning with the former Prime Minister of Somalia. Rubin criticizes Omar's lack of support for American values and the increasing influence of Somali culture in Minnesota. He then turns his attention to Massachusetts, where a Haitian migrant who raped a disabled 15-year-old was released on bail of $500. Rubin expresses his disgust at the situation and calls for a return to law and order. He also criticizes the governor of Massachusetts for sending a team to the border to educate migrants about the lack of space in homeless shelters, arguing that it is a sign of how broken the immigration system is. Rubin concludes by highlighting the recent victory of Marine Le Pen in France, arguing that her success is a sign of a growing movement against Islamist immigration and the erosion of traditional values. He believes that the far right is ultimately the only force that can save the West from the woke left's self-destruction.


Introduction and Birthday Shoutout

This Chapter begins with Dave Rubin acknowledging the 94th birthday of Thomas Sowell, a renowned economist and social commentator. He shares a clip of Sowell's insightful commentary on the nature of conservatism and how many prominent conservatives started their political journeys on the left. Rubin expresses his admiration for Sowell and highlights the impact of his work.

Argentina's Transformation Under Javier Malay

This Chapter focuses on the remarkable transformation of Argentina under President Javier Malay. Rubin highlights Malay's libertarian approach to governance, emphasizing his commitment to reducing government intervention, privatizing industries, and empowering individuals. He shares a clip of Malay's speech, where he outlines his vision for Argentina's future, emphasizing the benefits of free markets and competition. Rubin contrasts Malay's success with the current state of the United States, arguing that a similar approach could lead to greater prosperity and freedom.

El Salvador's Success Under Naib Bukele

This Chapter explores the positive changes in El Salvador under President Naib Bukele. Rubin highlights Bukele's efforts to combat crime and gang violence, which have led to a significant improvement in public safety and economic growth. He shares a clip of Bukele's speech at CPAC, where he criticizes the global elites and their attempts to control the narrative. Rubin draws parallels between Bukele's approach and the principles of American exceptionalism, arguing that El Salvador is a model for how to restore freedom and prosperity.

The Democratic Party's Implosion

This Chapter delves into the current state of the Democratic Party, highlighting the challenges they face in the upcoming election. Rubin focuses on Joe Biden's declining cognitive abilities, citing his recent debate performance and the media's attempts to downplay his struggles. He also criticizes Kamala Harris's lack of popularity and the Democrats' inability to find a suitable replacement for Biden. Rubin argues that the Democrats are in a state of freefall, with their internal divisions and ideological extremism threatening to destroy the party.

The Media's Meltdown

This Chapter examines the media's reaction to the Democratic Party's implosion. Rubin criticizes the media's attempts to spin the narrative and downplay Biden's cognitive decline. He highlights the hypocrisy of the media, accusing them of gaslighting their audience and promoting fearmongering. Rubin also points out the media's declining credibility, citing examples of journalists falling asleep on air and their inability to provide accurate information.

The Woke Left's Self-Destruction

This Chapter focuses on the woke left's self-destructive tendencies. Rubin argues that their intersectional ideology, which seeks to unite disparate groups with competing interests, is inherently flawed and unsustainable. He highlights the absurdity of the woke left's agenda, citing examples of their support for Hamas and their opposition to traditional family values. Rubin concludes that the woke left's extremism is alienating voters and contributing to the Democratic Party's downfall.

The Rise of the Far Right

This Chapter explores the growing movement against Islamist immigration and the erosion of traditional values, highlighting the recent victory of Marine Le Pen in France. Rubin argues that the far right is the only force that can save the West from the woke left's self-destruction. He believes that the far right will ultimately defend traditional values and protect the rights of all citizens, including gays and lesbians.



Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, and the European Union. Hamas's stated goal is to destroy Israel and establish an Islamic state in its place. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and rocket attacks. Hamas's ideology is based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law, which it seeks to implement in all aspects of life. The group has been criticized for its human rights abuses, including the suppression of dissent and the use of child soldiers. Hamas's relationship with other Palestinian factions has been complex and often fraught with conflict. The group has been involved in numerous power struggles with the Palestinian Authority, which it views as a rival for control of the Palestinian people. Hamas's future remains uncertain, but it continues to be a major player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar is a Somali-American politician who has served as a U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2019. She is a member of the Democratic Party and is known for her progressive views on issues such as healthcare, education, and climate change. Omar is also a vocal critic of Israel and has been accused of anti-Semitism. She has been a controversial figure since her election, with some praising her for her outspokenness and others criticizing her for her views on Israel and her alleged support for terrorist organizations. Omar's political career has been marked by both successes and setbacks. She has been a leading voice for progressive causes and has helped to advance the Democratic Party's agenda on a number of issues. However, she has also faced criticism for her views on Israel and her alleged support for terrorist organizations. Omar's future in politics remains uncertain, but she is likely to continue to be a prominent figure in the Democratic Party and a vocal advocate for progressive causes.

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen is a French politician who has served as the president of the National Rally, a far-right political party in France, since 2011. She is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the party, and has been a controversial figure in French politics for her views on immigration, Islam, and the European Union. Le Pen has been a vocal critic of immigration and has called for a ban on Muslim headscarves in public places. She has also expressed support for France's withdrawal from the European Union. Le Pen's political career has been marked by both successes and setbacks. She has been a leading voice for the far right in France and has gained significant support from voters who are concerned about immigration and the erosion of traditional values. However, she has also faced criticism for her views on immigration, Islam, and the European Union. Le Pen's future in politics remains uncertain, but she is likely to continue to be a prominent figure in French politics and a leading voice for the far right.


Intersectionality is a theoretical framework that examines how different aspects of a person's identity, such as race, gender, class, and sexual orientation, intersect and create unique experiences of oppression and privilege. Intersectionality is a key concept in feminist theory and critical race theory. It is used to understand how systems of power and inequality operate in complex and interconnected ways. For example, a Black woman may experience oppression based on both her race and her gender. Intersectionality recognizes that these forms of oppression are not separate but rather intertwined and mutually reinforcing. The concept of intersectionality has been influential in social justice movements and has helped to raise awareness of the complex ways in which people are marginalized and discriminated against. It has also been used to challenge traditional understandings of identity and to promote a more inclusive and equitable society.

Radical Islam

Radical Islam is a term used to describe a variety of Islamic movements and ideologies that advocate for the establishment of an Islamic state and the implementation of Islamic law (Sharia) in all aspects of life. Radical Islamists often believe that violence is justified in achieving these goals. The term is often used interchangeably with "Islamic extremism" or "Islamism." Radical Islam has been a source of controversy and debate for many years. Some argue that it is a legitimate expression of Islamic faith, while others view it as a dangerous and violent ideology. The rise of radical Islam has been linked to a number of factors, including political instability, economic inequality, and the perceived threat of Western imperialism. Radical Islam has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks around the world, including the 9/11 attacks in the United States and the 2015 Paris attacks. The threat of radical Islam continues to be a major concern for governments and security agencies around the world.


Minnesota is a state located in the Midwestern United States. It is known for its beautiful lakes, forests, and prairies. Minnesota is also home to a number of major cities, including Minneapolis and Saint Paul. The state's economy is diverse, with major industries including agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare. Minnesota is also a popular tourist destination, with visitors drawn to its natural beauty and its vibrant cultural scene. Minnesota has a long and rich history, dating back to the time of the Native American tribes who lived in the region. The state was admitted to the Union in 1858 and has played a significant role in the development of the United States. Minnesota is known for its progressive politics and its strong social safety net. The state has a long tradition of supporting labor unions and has been a leader in the fight for social justice. Minnesota is also home to a number of world-renowned institutions, including the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota. The state is a center for innovation and entrepreneurship and is home to a number of Fortune 500 companies. Minnesota is a state with a strong sense of community and a commitment to social justice. It is a place where people from all walks of life can come together to build a better future.


Massachusetts is a state located in the northeastern United States. It is known for its rich history, its vibrant culture, and its beautiful scenery. Massachusetts is home to a number of major cities, including Boston, Worcester, and Springfield. The state's economy is diverse, with major industries including education, healthcare, and technology. Massachusetts is also a popular tourist destination, with visitors drawn to its historical sites, its museums, and its beautiful beaches. Massachusetts has a long and rich history, dating back to the time of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. The state played a pivotal role in the American Revolution and was the birthplace of many of the nation's founding fathers. Massachusetts is known for its strong academic tradition and is home to a number of world-renowned universities, including Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The state is also a center for innovation and entrepreneurship and is home to a number of Fortune 500 companies. Massachusetts is a state with a strong sense of community and a commitment to social justice. It is a place where people from all walks of life can come together to build a better future.


France is a country located in Western Europe. It is the largest country in Western Europe and the third-largest in Europe overall. France is known for its beautiful scenery, its rich history, and its vibrant culture. France is home to a number of major cities, including Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. The country's economy is diverse, with major industries including tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. France is also a major player in the global economy and is a member of the G7 and the European Union. France has a long and rich history, dating back to the time of the Roman Empire. The country played a pivotal role in the development of Western civilization and has been a major power in Europe for centuries. France is known for its art, literature, and cuisine. The country is home to some of the world's most famous museums, including the Louvre Museum and the Musée d'Orsay. France is also a major producer of wine and cheese. France is a country with a strong sense of national identity and a commitment to its cultural heritage. It is a place where people from all walks of life can come together to celebrate their shared history and culture.

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen is a French politician who has served as the president of the National Rally, a far-right political party in France, since 2011. She is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the party, and has been a controversial figure in French politics for her views on immigration, Islam, and the European Union. Le Pen has been a vocal critic of immigration and has called for a ban on Muslim headscarves in public places. She has also expressed support for France's withdrawal from the European Union. Le Pen's political career has been marked by both successes and setbacks. She has been a leading voice for the far right in France and has gained significant support from voters who are concerned about immigration and the erosion of traditional values. However, she has also faced criticism for her views on immigration, Islam, and the European Union. Le Pen's future in politics remains uncertain, but she is likely to continue to be a prominent figure in French politics and a leading voice for the far right.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a former president of the United States. He is a member of the Republican Party and is seeking re-election in 2024. Trump is a controversial figure who is known for his populist rhetoric and his willingness to challenge the status quo. Trump's supporters argue that he is a strong and decisive leader who is committed to putting America first. Trump's critics argue that he is a dangerous demagogue who is unfit for office.


  • What are some of the challenges facing the Democratic Party in the upcoming election?

    The Democratic Party is facing a number of challenges in the upcoming election, including Joe Biden's declining cognitive abilities, Kamala Harris's lack of popularity, and the party's internal divisions and ideological extremism. These challenges have led to a decline in Biden's approval ratings and have made it difficult for the party to find a suitable replacement for him.

  • How are leaders like Javier Malay in Argentina and Naib Bukele in El Salvador providing examples of successful governance?

    Javier Malay in Argentina and Naib Bukele in El Salvador are providing examples of successful governance by implementing policies that have led to economic growth and reduced crime. Their approaches, which emphasize limited government intervention, free markets, and individual empowerment, have been praised by some for their effectiveness. These leaders are demonstrating that a smaller, less intrusive government can lead to a more prosperous and free society.

  • What is the media's role in the current political climate?

    The media is playing a significant role in the current political climate by shaping the narrative and influencing public opinion. Dave Rubin criticizes the media's attempts to spin the narrative and downplay Biden's cognitive decline. He accuses them of gaslighting their audience and promoting fearmongering. Rubin also points out the media's declining credibility, citing examples of journalists falling asleep on air and their inability to provide accurate information.

  • What are the implications of the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity?

    The Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity has significant implications for the upcoming election. Dave Rubin argues that it is a politically motivated move designed to protect Biden and hinder Trump's chances of winning the presidency. He criticizes the media's reaction to the decision, accusing them of fearmongering and spreading misinformation.

  • What are the key takeaways from Dave Rubin's analysis of the current political landscape?

    Dave Rubin's analysis of the current political landscape highlights the challenges facing the Democratic Party, particularly Joe Biden's declining cognitive abilities and Kamala Harris's unpopularity. He contrasts these issues with the successes of leaders like Javier Malay in Argentina and Naib Bukele in El Salvador, who have implemented policies that have led to economic growth and reduced crime. Rubin argues that these leaders are examples of how a smaller, less intrusive government can lead to a more prosperous and free society. He also criticizes the media's attempts to spin the narrative and downplay Biden's struggles, accusing them of gaslighting their audience and promoting fearmongering.

  • What is Dave Rubin's critique of the woke left's intersectional matrix of oppression?

    Dave Rubin argues that the woke left's intersectional matrix of oppression is absurd and leads to illogical and harmful outcomes. He criticizes their support for Hamas, a terrorist organization, and their opposition to traditional family values. He believes that their ideology is self-destructive and alienates voters.

  • How does Dave Rubin view the Democratic Party's embrace of radical Islam?

    Dave Rubin is critical of the Democratic Party's embrace of radical Islam, citing the example of Ilhan Omar, who is running for re-election in Minnesota and has been campaigning with the former Prime Minister of Somalia. He criticizes Omar's lack of support for American values and the increasing influence of Somali culture in Minnesota.

  • What is Dave Rubin's perspective on the situation in Massachusetts?

    Dave Rubin is disgusted by the situation in Massachusetts, where a Haitian migrant who raped a disabled 15-year-old was released on bail of $500. He criticizes the governor of Massachusetts for sending a team to the border to educate migrants about the lack of space in homeless shelters, arguing that it is a sign of how broken the immigration system is.

  • What is Dave Rubin's view on the recent victory of Marine Le Pen in France?

    Dave Rubin believes that the recent victory of Marine Le Pen in France is a sign of a growing movement against Islamist immigration and the erosion of traditional values. He argues that the far right is the only force that can save the West from the woke left's self-destruction.

  • What is Dave Rubin's overall message in this segment?

    Dave Rubin's overall message in this segment is that the woke left's ideology is dangerous and destructive. He believes that the Democratic Party's embrace of radical Islam and the influx of immigrants is eroding traditional American values and leading to a decline in law and order. He advocates for a return to traditional American values and a strong stance against radical Islam.

Show Notes

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Argentinian president Javier Milei shocking a journalist with his radical plan for national-run enterprises and admitting what very few politicians will ever admit; Elon Musk giving his thoughts on Javier Milei’s attempt to reduce regulations and shrink the size of government; “Piers Morgan Uncensored” guest Michael Knowles shocking Destiny with some facts about the Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling; MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell falling asleep on live television; Kamala Harris getting frustrated by a reporter repeatedly asking if Joe Biden will be replaced; Human Rights Campaign’s NYC Pride March float being vandalized by pro-Palestinian protesters; and much more.

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Host’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit

Host’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit

Dave Rubin