How Do Airplanes Work : Part Two
The Aeronuts Team is back! The team is back for season 2 which promises to bring a whole new, improved and a different perspective compared to Season 1.
As quoted by Henry Ford : "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."
In this 2nd part episode, the Aeronuts Team talks about how an airplane's aerodynamic would be affected when airflow is disrupted, how does an airplane actually navigate high above the air without any markings or signs available to them, by travelling long hours in the plane would covid-19 be able to spread in such a small and tight space and finally where do airplane waste go once the waste has been flushed.
Tune in to our episode and all your answers will be answered.
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Ending Song Credit : Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to The Moon