How GC Can Help the Business Take Smart Risks
Do you want to ditch legal’s reputation as the “Department of No”? Find out how, on this installment of the podcast. Gartner legal advisor Daniel Hebda and host Eliza Krigman discuss three ways GC can help lawyers offer better guidance for placing smart bets. One tactic: Hold structured conversations with business partners about the risk and reward of a given initiative. The resulting insight liberates lawyers to make decisions based on the facts, rather than fear or biases.
New episodes go live the last Thursday of each month.
About the Guest:
Daniel Hebda advises GC on designing and implementing risk management best practices, such as ways to identify, prioritize and report on top legal risks in their organization. He regularly assists GC in designing risk assessments, planning mitigation frameworks and clarifying organizational risk appetite. Before joining Gartner, Hebda practiced law in the areas of civil litigation, contracts, employment, nonprofit and corporate governance.