DiscoverPowerhouse WomenHow Money Mirrors Your Personal Growth + Points You Towards the Next Quantum Leap
How Money Mirrors Your Personal Growth + Points You Towards the Next Quantum Leap

How Money Mirrors Your Personal Growth + Points You Towards the Next Quantum Leap

Update: 2024-06-04


Lizzie Schwartz, host of the Powerhouse Women podcast, delves into the concept of money as a mirror reflecting our deepest personal growth opportunities. She shares her own journey of healing and how she's come to realize that money often mirrors our subconscious beliefs and patterns around security, self-worth, and our relationship with ourselves. She encourages listeners to examine their own triggers and patterns around money, suggesting that these are indicators of areas where they can grow and expand. Lizzie emphasizes that addressing these deeper roots can lead to radical change in all areas of life, not just finances. She provides two key questions for reflection: 1) In what ways do you try to create a sense of safety or security for yourself? and 2) In what ways do you try to create a sense of self-worth? By exploring these questions, listeners can gain valuable insights into their own patterns and begin to cultivate a healthier relationship with money and themselves. Lizzie also recommends using tools like journaling to facilitate deeper self-reflection and encourages listeners to join her text community for support and connection.


Money as a Mirror for Personal Growth

This Chapter explores the concept of money as a mirror reflecting our deepest personal growth opportunities. Lizzie shares her own journey of healing and how she's come to realize that money often mirrors our subconscious beliefs and patterns around security, self-worth, and our relationship with ourselves. She encourages listeners to examine their own triggers and patterns around money, suggesting that these are indicators of areas where they can grow and expand.

Exploring Security and Self-Worth

This Chapter delves deeper into the two key questions posed earlier: 1) In what ways do you try to create a sense of safety or security for yourself? and 2) In what ways do you try to create a sense of self-worth? Lizzie provides examples of how these questions can be applied to personal experiences and encourages listeners to reflect on their own patterns and behaviors. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing these patterns to create lasting change.

The Power of Looking Deeper

This Chapter highlights the importance of being willing to look deeper into our subconscious patterns and beliefs, even if it feels uncomfortable. Lizzie shares her own experience of overcoming fear and embracing the unknown, ultimately leading to greater self-worth and security. She recommends using tools like journaling to facilitate deeper self-reflection and encourages listeners to join her text community for support and connection.

Cultivating a Healthier Relationship with Money

This Chapter concludes by emphasizing the transformative power of addressing our deeper patterns and beliefs around money. Lizzie reiterates that money is a mirror reflecting our biggest opportunities for growth and that by cultivating a healthier sense of security and self-worth, we can unlock greater freedom and abundance in all areas of our lives.


Money Mindset

The Money Mindset refers to a person's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards money. It encompasses how individuals think, feel, and act in relation to finances, influencing their financial decisions and outcomes. A positive money mindset is characterized by abundance, gratitude, and a belief in one's ability to create wealth, while a negative money mindset may be characterized by scarcity, fear, and limiting beliefs.

Subconscious Beliefs

Subconscious beliefs are thoughts, feelings, and assumptions that operate below the level of conscious awareness. They are often formed in childhood and can significantly influence our behavior, decisions, and overall well-being. Subconscious beliefs can be both positive and negative, and they can be accessed and transformed through various techniques such as therapy, mindfulness, and self-reflection.

Personal Growth

Personal growth refers to the ongoing process of developing and expanding one's skills, knowledge, and understanding of oneself and the world. It involves setting goals, overcoming challenges, and striving for continuous improvement in all areas of life. Personal growth can be facilitated through various means such as education, self-help, therapy, and meaningful relationships.


Security refers to a state of feeling safe, protected, and free from threats or harm. It encompasses both physical and emotional safety, and it is essential for overall well-being. Security can be influenced by various factors such as financial stability, social support, and a sense of belonging.


Self-worth refers to the inherent value and dignity that each individual possesses, regardless of external factors such as achievements, possessions, or social status. It is a fundamental aspect of self-esteem and plays a crucial role in our overall well-being and happiness. Cultivating a strong sense of self-worth involves recognizing and appreciating our unique qualities, strengths, and contributions.

Powerhouse Women

Powerhouse Women is a podcast hosted by Lizzie Schwartz, focusing on empowering women to achieve their full potential in their careers, businesses, and lives. The podcast provides insights, strategies, and inspiration for women seeking to grow, expand, and create a life they love.

Lizzie Schwartz

Lizzie Schwartz is the host of the Powerhouse Women podcast and the founder of Powerhouse Women, a platform dedicated to empowering women. She is a successful entrepreneur, mentor, and speaker known for her insightful advice and empowering approach to personal and professional growth.

Money Triggers

Money triggers are specific situations, events, or thoughts that evoke strong emotional responses related to money. These triggers can be positive or negative, and they often stem from past experiences, beliefs, or conditioning. Identifying and understanding money triggers is crucial for developing a healthier relationship with money and managing financial emotions.

Quantum Leap

A quantum leap refers to a significant and sudden advancement or transformation, often exceeding expectations. In the context of personal growth, a quantum leap represents a breakthrough in understanding, awareness, or behavior that leads to a dramatic shift in one's life.

Butterfly Season Journal

The Butterfly Season Journal is a self-reflection journal created by Aisha, a friend of Lizzie Schwartz. The journal provides prompts and exercises designed to facilitate deeper self-discovery and personal growth. It is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to explore their subconscious beliefs, patterns, and emotions.


  • How can I identify my own money triggers?

    Pay attention to situations, events, or thoughts that evoke strong emotional responses related to money. These could be positive or negative feelings, such as anxiety, excitement, fear, or guilt. Consider what triggers these emotions and what underlying beliefs or experiences might be contributing to them.

  • What are some ways to cultivate a healthier sense of security?

    Start by identifying your patterns and behaviors that contribute to feelings of insecurity. This could involve examining your thoughts, actions, and reactions to situations. Then, explore ways to challenge those patterns and develop new habits that promote a sense of safety and stability. This might involve setting realistic financial goals, building a support system, and practicing self-care.

  • How can I disconnect my self-worth from my financial success?

    Recognize that your inherent value is not tied to your income or achievements. Focus on your strengths, talents, and contributions, regardless of your financial status. Practice self-compassion and gratitude for who you are, rather than seeking validation through external factors.

  • What are some practical tools for deeper self-reflection?

    Journaling is a powerful tool for exploring your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Consider using prompts or exercises to guide your reflection. You can also seek support from a therapist or coach to gain insights and develop strategies for personal growth.

  • How can I join Lizzie's text community?

    Text the word 'mentor' to 602-536-7829. You'll receive weekly messages from Lizzie and have the opportunity to connect with her directly and share your questions and insights.

Show Notes

What is your money trying to tell you? Welcome to Part 1 of my summer money series, where I share my updated learnings and realizations around money + money mindset! In this podcast, I’ll talk about how money directly mirrors our personal growth and often points us towards HUGE opportunities coming your way. I’ll be digging deep to address the roots of money mindset, including the things that may be blocking you from creating the results you want. I also want to share vital tools I use to train myself to quantum leap + self-reflect on my money patterns. Tune in to begin your money mindset journey and unlock so, so much more!



00:00 My money mindset then versus now.

05:10 How money acts as a mirror for our personal growth.

11:30 In what ways do you try to create a sense of security for yourself?

20:20 In what ways do you try to create a sense of self worth?

26:05 The biggest gifts we get from digging deeper.


Check out my favorite journal for digging deeper!


Grab your ticket for the 2024 Powerhouse Women Event August 9-10th in Scottsdale!


Click HERE to text the word MENTOR to (602) 536-7829 for weekly business + mindset tips delivered straight to your phone!


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How Money Mirrors Your Personal Growth + Points You Towards the Next Quantum Leap

How Money Mirrors Your Personal Growth + Points You Towards the Next Quantum Leap

Lindsey Schwartz