How Studying from Her Phone Helped Meaghan Pass the CPA Exams
In this SuperfastCPA podcast interview, you'll hear Meaghan's story about initially struggling with the CPA exams, and then making a few key changes to her study process and then passing.
One of those changes was studying from her phone throughout the day, which helped her pack in extra study time she wouldn't otherwise have.
Episode Timestamps
- 00:00 How Studying from Her Phone Helped Meaghan Pass the CPA Exams
- 03:17 Why Meaghan Wanted to Get Her CPA
- 05:14 Studied the Traditional Way, Failed Her First Exam and Needed a Different Approach
- 08:26 Took a Break After Failing Her First Test
- 09:51 For Things to Change, Meaghan Decided to Leave Big Four and Finding SuperfastCPA
- 11:34 Listening to the Podcasts is a Big Motivating Factor
- 12:41 Watched the Free Webinar and Things That Made Sense
- 16:32 Studied Two to Three Hours After Work and Made Sure Life Doesn't Stop While Studying
- 19:28 Got Most of the Ideas from the Free Training Webinar
- 20:37 When Meaghan Got SuperfastCPA Study Tools and Using It Throughout the Day
- 24:46 How Meaghan Maximized the Use of the Mini Quizzes on the SuperfastCPA App
- 27:54 Studying Became Easier Once She Found Her Own Study Method
- 28:41 Felt Like Being Introduced to the Questions First Approach is a Game Changer
- 31:56 Meaghan's Reaction on How Review Courses Gauge How Someone is Test Ready
- 33:45 The Final Review is When Meaghan Would Tackle the Sims
- 35:23 Some Talk About Meaghan's Podcast Favorites
- 37:14 Catch Up Studying on the Weekends
- 38:04 How Meaghan Would Utilize the Notes She Created
- 40:27 A Tip from Meaghan, You Don't Have to Do Things in Order
- 45:48 Meaghan's Process for Learning Difficult Topics
- 47:01 Top Tips for People Still Struggling with their Study Process
Learn the SuperfastCPA Study Approach, Free
You'll hear me mention the SuperfastCPA study process multiple times in this episode.
What we teach our customers is how to have a 2-hour main session each day where you can get more done than someone studying 4-5 hours the "normal way".
We cover this in our free "study trainings", which are 1-hour webinars where you'll learn exactly what to do when you sit down to study so that you can 1) move through new material faster, 2) understand and retain it better, and 3) spend less time in front of your review course WHILE getting better results.
Register for a free session here:
OR, just text PASSNOW to 44222 and we'll text you back a link to the training.
This is one hour that will literally save you months of time and frustration from trying to figure this stuff out on your own, so register for a session today!
Register for a free session here: