How To Age Gracefully and Keep Your Eyes and Body Healthy with Dr Michael Lange and Karen Hecht
Today’s guests are Karen Hecht, past guest of the show and the Scientific Affairs Manager at AstaReal. Karen holds a PHD in molecular biology from the University of Pittsburgh and a honors bachelor of science in biochemistry from the University of Toronto.
Also on the show today is Dr. Michael Lange whose a board certified optometric physician, certified nutrition specialist, CEO and chairman of Fortifeye Vitamins, Radio Talk Show Host, extreme sports enthusiast, and much, much more.
During this episode we discussed how it’s common to see 45 and 50 year olds with the retinas of 85 year olds and how spending all day inside on our screens is accelerating this problem. And I’m taught the 20-20-20 rule which helps your eyes rest and recover.
We discussed the importance of looking at the body as a whole instead of individual pieces and how you can’t take your vision or health for granted— don’t wait to have a problem, be proactive instead of reactive because prevention is the name of the game.
If you make your body healthier your eyes will be healthier and visa versa, and this helps you to age gracefully.
Finally, we discussed the importance of starting with the basic principles first before layering on supplements, and we learn the importance of doing research on these supplements— where and how they are made and, if they are supported by clinical studies, and is there third party certifications?
There is so much in today’s episode, so please give it a listen and send me a message with your thoughts @ JamesQuandahl on Instagram or Twitter… And if you’re enjoying the show please subscribe or follow and share this episode with a friend.
Episode Resources
Canada’s licensed natural health product database
My last podcast episode about AstaReal and astaxanthin with Karen Hecht
Where to find Astaxanthin products