DiscoverThe Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother MaliaHow To Respond To You’re All About The Money As You Leap Into 7, 8, & 9 Figures
How To Respond To You’re All About The Money As You Leap Into 7, 8, & 9 Figures

How To Respond To You’re All About The Money As You Leap Into 7, 8, & 9 Figures

Update: 2024-03-12


🎙 Do you ever feel judged for charging money for your coaching or spiritual guidance?  This episode is for you! Mother Malia tackles the common criticism coaches and spiritual leaders face: "You're just in it for the money!

Mother Malia sheds light on why people might project their own money issues onto you, and she equips you with powerful responses to navigate these situations with confidence.  Learn how to stay focused on the value you deliver and  avoid apologizing for your worth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the source: Criticism about your prices often comes from the critic's own money issues, not yours.

  • Value over vanity: Focus on the transformation you help clients achieve, not just the price tag.

  • Premium positioning: Higher prices can actually lead to better client results because they invest more effort.

  • Respond with grace: Use non-defensive language to acknowledge concerns and offer alternative solutions (if applicable).

Show Notes:

  • Are you a coach, spiritual teacher, or other service provider who gets criticized for your pricing? (1:00 )

  • Why people project their money issues onto others (especially successful people) (3:20 )

  • How to reframe charging a premium price as a benefit for your clients (7:45 )

  • Shifting the focus from price to value: How to talk about the transformation you offer (12:10 )

  • Sample responses to people who criticize your pricing (15:30 )

    • "That's an interesting perspective. What is it about my pricing that makes you feel that way?"

  • "I understand that this investment might not be a priority for you right now."

  • "There are other resources available at a lower price point if that's a better fit for you."

  • The importance of self-worth and confidence when setting your prices (20:00 )


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About Our Host - Jennifer Longmore / 8 Figure Mentor, Founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School & Clear Channel for Mother Malia


Jennifer is an award-winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11-time best-selling author, and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.


She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.


When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.


Learn more: 






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How To Respond To You’re All About The Money As You Leap Into 7, 8, & 9 Figures

How To Respond To You’re All About The Money As You Leap Into 7, 8, & 9 Figures

Jennifer Longmore/Mother Malia