How Wholesale Collaboration Beats Retail Competition w/ Rylan Maddox – Episode 209
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Don’t miss Broker to Broker, Episode 211! Learn to make the most successful change from retail to the wholesale mortgage channel, with Sr. Mortgage Broker at HI FIVE Team and featured Fuse 2024 Panelist, Rylan Maddox.
Rylan has been featured in numerous AIME projects and resources over the last couple of years; and for good reason. He made an incredible transition from the retail mortgage channel, quickly making waves in the wholesale channel, and within the community. Within three years of attending Fuse as a retail LO, he found himself on the very same stage that helped influence his transition to the wholesale channel.
Rylan lays out the comforts of the retail channel, noting that these are actually the pitfalls of remaining a retail LO instead of working independently in wholesale:
“Anything that retail might have for you that a company is saying this is a perk of being an employee of ours, now exists in the wholesale space at this point. As a self producer, if you are an entrepreneur and you run your business more efficiently (and I would I would wager that almost any entrepreneur in our industry can run more efficiently) than a large box retail shop, not only are you going to have more commission in your pocket for your family, but it’s not going to be at the expense of your client. Your clients client’s going to get a better rate and lower costs as well.”
Key Points:
2:07 – Intro / From A Decade In Retail
10:36- “The Cycle of Kindness” of Retail Mortgage
25:36 – Why & How to Make the Wholesale Transition
34:53 – Advice for Current Retail LOs