How probiotics can help people with bowel cancer
Bowel cancer (also called colorectal or colon cancer) is the second biggest killer of Australians from cancer each year. This is one form of cancer where diet and lifestyle choices play a big part in changing a person’s risk of developing it. But once someone is diagnosed with cancer, the outlook changes. Now emerging research is finding that the use of probiotic supplements taken in conjunction with active treatments of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can have a beneficial effect on the outlook of people with bowel cancer. And that’s the topic I’ll cover in this podcast episode.
Links referred to in the podcast
- Systematic review of probiotics for the management of radiation-induced bowel disease
- Systematic review of probiotic supplementation in people with colorectal cancer
Episode transcript
To access the full episode transcript, go to the following link and select the individual podcast episode and then click on the ‘Transcript’ tab
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