How to Get a Job While Being Authentic & Vulnerable With Terri Creeden
Get ready for a special treat! In this episode, I talk with Terri Creeden, an Executive Coach, trainer, and facilitator. Terri is a Certified Daring Way Facilitator and Dare to Lead Facilitator through the Brené Brown Education and Research Group. During our conversation, we talk about how to get a job while being authentic and vulnerable. Here are some gems from this episode:
"The employer will be most impressed by an authentic person sitting in front of them and not somebody who has canned, formulated responses that they've heard from every other candidate. Let them see who you really are and not who they are hoping you are."
"Anytime we are caught up managing our image, how we look and appear, and come across to somebody else, that immediately takes us right out of authenticity. So you're moving further away from what's really going to win you that interview."
"What leaders really want to see is that they can trust somebody. If you aren't able to say, "I need help, or I can't do that, or I don't know how to do that," they're going to have trouble trusting you."
Tune in to get more valuable insights from Terri, so you're well prepared for your next job interview! The second part of our conversation will be released in the next episode.
Original theme music by Lucas Knutter
Read the transcript here.
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